This tab, updated with new content every Tuesday, includes links to various recent PD items of interest in a variety of forms - podcasts, videos, articles, books, websites, and online events. Try one you like! Come back next week for something new.
Get a different perspective by looking at something from another country!
Note that ideas presented are not necessarily supported by DND nor the CAF but are included to help share ideas and encourage professional discussion.
The latest edition of the Canadian Army Journal, Volume 21, Issue 1,
available on the link below:
The latest edition of the Canadian Military Journal [Vol. 24, No. 2, Spring 2024] available at the link below:
Canadian Military Journal (
There is a new Portal for the CAF Language Programs!
Here you will find all the information about the Language programs and the options available to CAF Members.
PREVIEW Language Programs Portal - The Torch - LibGuides at Canadian Forces College
Note: While links provided in this section offer mostly 'free' learning opportunities, there might be some additional costs. The CAF does not specifically endorse any of these sites and it is NOT responsible for any funding required for any of them. That said, this does not stop members from applying and potentially being reimbursed through other means such as the Education Reimburement (ER) program found at this link:
This book can be accessed via the DWAN but to view on the public internet, you must first register with the CAF Virtual Library. Canadian Armed Forces Virtual Library Access Request Form